sábado, 24 de mayo de 2008

Examples of present perfect and simple past

Match the examples with their rules:

1.- In the old days, companies grew slowly.
A.- We use the past simple to talk about the things that belong to the past and are finished.

2.- Now the kids have taken over.
A.- We use the present perfect to show the result of an event without saying with it happened.

3.- Jack Welch took over as CEO of GE in 1981.
A.- We use the past simple when we give the specific time that an event tokk place.

4.- He was CEO for 20 years, and retired in 2001.
A.- We use the past simple with for when the activity is finished.

5.- Mike works for MV. He has been with the company for three years now.
A.- We use the present perfect with for and since to talk about things that started in the past but continue up to the present.

6.- Mike has worked at head office since June.
A.- We use the present perfect with for and since to talk about things that started in the past but continue up to the present.

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